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Frequently Asked Questions
about Anti-Wrinkle Injections

What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections is a neurotoxin protein produced by bacterium clostridium botulinum. Anti-wrinkle injections relaxes the muscle injected and softens lines and wrinkles.

How long do anti-wrinkle injections last for?

Anti-wrinkle injections or Botox last’s for around 3-4 months.

Where can I have anti-wrinkle injections?

 Anti-wrinkle injections can be used for many different areas and reasons, both medical and for aesthetic reasons, the most common are for frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet (lines around the eye area).

Does having anti-wrinkle injections hurt?

We use a tiny insulin needle to inject the areas of concern, which feel like little pin pricks. Areas around the eye can be a little more sensitive.

Will I get bruising from anti-wrinkle injections?

This is possible, sometimes anti-wrinkle injections or Botox can cause tiny bruising around the injection site. You may also experience tiny bumps initially where the neurotoxin has gone in, this can sometimes take 3-7 days to go down.

What are the risks for anti-wrinkle injections?

The main risks to anti-wrinkle injections are either too much, too little product is placed in the area, to much you will get a more frozen look to the face, some people like this but if it’s not for you then over time this will wear off, too little product just means you may need to return after a couple of weeks to have a top-up or if the product is placed into the wrong muscle is can cause a drop or lift in the wrong area, we mark out to ensure this doesn’t happen however this would never be permanent and would wear off.

How long will it take to see results for anti-wrinkle injections?

Usually, anti-wrinkle injections or Botox takes 3-7 days to start working, the full true effects need to be given 2 weeks.

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